MATERIALS—Lily SKYTONE Mercerized Crochet Cotton:—1-ball each White, Salmon Rose and Emerald Green. Will make 2 Mats. Crochet hook size 7.
MATERIALS—Lily Rug Yarn, Art. 241. 1-skein Black and 1 partial skein Red. Size 00 steel crochet hook.
MATERIALS—Lily Rug Yarn, Art. 241:—1½-sks. Brown and 1-sk. Dark Green; Lily Pearl Cotton size 5:—1-ball Golden Brown.
MATERIALS—Lily Rug Yarn, Art. 241:—1-sk. Lt. Green; Lily Pearl Cotton, size 5:—1-ball each Dk. Green and Shd.
MATERIALS REQUIRED: American Thread Company
"DE LUXE" Mercerized Crochet and Knitting Cotton,
These instructions give the information needed to make Puff Stitch,—an interesting combination of st itches in Enterprise Yarn that form into rectangular shaped puf
Puff Stitch holders, mats and rugs make up neatly and the result is a firm, heavy piece to protect hands, table or floor.
Cottages make appropriate holders—decorative and useful in the kitchen • 2 or 3 on the racks, will make an appropriate gift of bazaar item.
Cottages make appropriate holders—decorative and useful in the kitchen • 2 or 3 on the racks, will make an appropriate gift of bazaar item.
Ever burn the back of the wrist when taking hot baking dishes from the oven?