Curtain Patterns

Curtain Pull Pattern #205

Curtain Pull Pattern #205

For the body use any of the following Threads—"Star" Pearl Cotton size 5, "De Luxe" Mercerized Crochet and Knitting Cotton, "Puritan"

Dining Room Set Pattern #7170

Dining Room Set Pattern #7170

MATERIALS … Choose one of the following threads in size 20, White or Ecru:

Cord Net Curtains Pattern #302

Cord Net Curtains Pattern

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Knitting and Crochet Cotton or J. & P. Coats Crochet Cord, Ecru or Boilfast color. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 5 or 6.

Curtain Pull Pattern #826

Curtain Pull Pattern #826

Mercerized Cotton Size 30
1 steel Crochet Hook #10
1 bone ring ⅝-inch.

Curtain Pull Pattern #825

Curtain Pull Pattern #825

Mercerized Cotton Size 20
1 steel hook #10
1 bone ring ⅝-inch.

Curtain Pull Pattern #824

Curtain Pull Pattern #824

Mercerized Cotton Size 20
1 steel hook #10
1 bone ring ¾-inch.

Curtain Pull Pattern #823

Curtain Pull Pattern #823

Mercerized Cotton Size 10
1 steel hook #9
1 bone ring ⅝-inch.

Curtain Pull Pattern #822

Curtain Pull Pattern #822

Mercerized Cotton Size 20
1 steel hook #10
1 bone ring ¾-inch.

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