J. & P. COATS BIG BALL BEST SIX CORD MERCERIZED CROCHET, Art. A.104, Size 30: 3 balls of Ecru, or
CLARK'S BIG BALL MERCERIZED CROCHET, Art. B.34, Size 30: 2 balls of No. 61 Ecru.
Tatting shuttle … 2 yards of ecru linen, 36 inches wide.
Place Mat measures 12 x 18 inches.
Each Motif measures 3½ inches square.
PLACE MAT—Motif (Make 4)—Center … With ball and shuttle threads make center r of 1 ds, 4 p's sep by 3 ds, 2 ds, cl. Tie and join to first p of r. Rw, * (ch of 6 ds, p, 6 ds. Rw, r of 2 ds, 7 p's sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl, rw) 3 times. Ch of 3 ds, p, 3 ds. R of 2 ds, 7 p's sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 6 ds. Join to p of next-to-last ch, 6 ds. (Rw, r of 2 ds, 7 p's sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 6 ds, join to p of adjacent ch, 6 ds) twice; join to next p of center r. Repeat from * 3 times more, joining last ch to beginning of first ch. Tie and cut.
FIRST CORNER … R of 3 ds, 6 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl. R of 3 ds, joins to last p of previous r, (3 ds, p) twice, 3 ds, join to center p of 4th picot-r, (3 ds, p) twice, 3 ds, cl. R of 3 ds, join to last p of previous r, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, join to center p of 5th picot-r, (3 ds, p) 3 times, 3 ds, cl. R of 3 ds, join to last p of previous r, (3 ds, p) 4 times, 3 ds, join to first p of first r of same group—to join, insert point of shuttle from underneath—3 ds, cl. Tie and cut. R of 3 ds, 6 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl. R of 3 ds, join to last p of previous r, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, skip 1 p of adjacent r, join to next p of r, 3 ds, join to next p of same r, (3 ds, p) twice, 3 ds, cl. R of 3 ds, join to last p of previous r, (3 ds, p) twice, 3 ds, join to center p of 8th picot-r, (3 ds, p) twice, 3 ds, cl. R of 3 ds, join to last p of previous r, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, join to center p of next picot-r, (3 ds, p) twice, 3 ds, join to first p of first r as before, 3 ds, cl. Tie and cut. R of 3 ds, 6 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl. R of 3 ds, join to last p of previous r, (3 ds, p) 3 times, 3 ds, join to 2nd p of first r of first group, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. R of 3 ds, join to last p of previous r, 3 ds, join to free p on next r of same group, 3 ds, join to free p of adjacent r of second group, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. R of 3 ds, join to last p of previous r, 3 ds, join to first free p of next r, (3 ds, p) 3 times, 3 ds, join to first r as before, 3 ds, cl. Tie and cut.
Lr of 1 ds, join to center p of 7th picot-r, 10 ds, join to free p of second r of second group, 4 ds, join to free p of next r of first group, 10 ds, join to center p of 6th picot-r, 1 ds, cl. Tie and cut. Make 3 remaining corners to correspond.
Cut a piece of material, 14½ x 20½ inches. Turn under raw edges, making a 1-inch hem around. Hemstitch as shown. Baste motif in one corner, 1¾ inches in from edge. Sew in place. Cut away material at back of motif and hem raw edges. Make remaining 3 corners in same way. Make 3 more Place Mats.
APRON—Motif (Make 2) … Work exactly as for Motif of Place Mat.
EDGING … R of 3 ds, 6 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl. (R of 3 ds, join to last p of previous r, 3 ds, 5 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl) 3 times, joining last r to first r. Tie and cut. * R of 3 ds, 4 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, join to second p of adjacent r of previous group, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. R of 3 ds, join to last p of previous r, 3 ds, join to next p of next r of previous group, 3 ds, 4 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl and complete as previous group. Repeat from * until piece measures 38 inches, or length desired, ending with second r. Tie and cut.
Tie ball and shuttle threads together. Attach thread to third free p of first r of first group. * Ch of 6 ds. Rw, r of 2 ds, 7 p's sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 6 ds, skip one r and join to center free p of next r. Repeat from * across, ending with ch of 6 ds, join to center p of last r. Tie and cut.
Cut a piece of material 16½ x 39 inches. Finish lower edge as for Place Mat. Make a ¼ inch hem along short sides. Gather top edge in to measure 15 inches. With remaining material make waistband and ties and sew in place. Cut 2 pieces of linen 4 inches square for pockets, hem edges and sew in place. Sew a motif to each pocket. Sew edging in place.