Seal Toy Pattern

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Seal Toy

Make this seal with any of the AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY products listed below:




5 ozs Black
1 oz Scarlet



Article 75

4 skeins Black
1 skein Red

1 square inch White felt
1 yd. heavy Wire

Over a 2 inch cardboard wind Black 50 times, slip off card­board and tie at center. Place pompon at center of wire and twist the 2 lengths of wire tightly (head). Make another 2 inch pompon, place between the wire close to 1st pompon and twist wire. Over a 3 inch cardboard wind Black 70 times, tie at center and place close to last pompon made (each pompon is placed between the 2 wires close to preceding pom­pon, wires are then twisted. This will not be referred to again.) Over a 4 inch cardboard wind Black 90 times, tie at center. Over a 5 inch cardboard wind Black 110 times, tie 2 inches from 1 end (the longest part of this pompon will be the under section of body). Work 2 more 5 inch pompons in same manner. Then work 3—four inch pompons, 1—three inch pompon, 1—two inch pompon and 1—four inch pom­pon. Twist wire very tightly and clip any remaining lengths. Bend and trim as illustrated.
BALL—Over a 2 inch cardboard wind Scarlet or Red 60 times. Trim into a ball and sew on top of nose as illustrated.
EYES—Cut felt as illustrated. Mark eyes with crayon.

Knitting Patterns: