Socks Socks Socks and Mittens, Too
Star Book 169
American Thread Company
Copyright Not Published
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Four Needle Socks, Four Needle Mittens, Single Cable Socks, Double Cable Socks, Single Cable Mittens, Double Cable Mittens, Knitted Glove, Add-A-Square Mittens, Knitted Twist Socks, Matched Set Knitted Scarf, Matched Set Knitted Mittens, Matched Set Knitting Socks, Sport Set Socks, Sport Set Mittens, Sport Set Cap, Diamonds and Argyles, Argyle Socks, Two Needle Mittens, Two Needle Socks, Child's Crocheted Mittens, Ladies' Crocheted Mittens, Mock Cable Socks, Mock Cable Mittens.
WEAVING SEAMS: (LENGTHWISE) Side and back seams of 2 needle mittens and socks. Thread matching yarn into tapestry needle. Place the 2 edges tog right sides up, matching rows, patterns, etc. Insert needle in 1st st on right edge, then in corresponding st on left edge. Insert needle down to next row on left edge, draw yarn through, insert needle in cor-responding st on right side and draw yarn through. Then insert needle down to next row on right side and continue in same manner working alternately into left and right sides until seam is woven.
TO WEAVE TOE: Thread yarn into yarn needle, * pass needle through 1st st on front needle as if knitting and sl st off needle, pass through 2nd st of same needle as if purling and leave st on needle, pass through 1st st of back needle as if purling and sl st off needle, pass through 2nd st of same needle as if knitting and leave st on needle, repeat from * until all sts are worked off, fasten securely.
Cast on 64 sts, divide sts on 3 needles, 21 sts on 1st needle, 22 sts on 2nd needle, 21 sts on 3rd needle, join and work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 2 inches. (Work in K 2, P 2 ribbing if preferred.) Work in stockinette st (K each round) until work measures 8 inches from beg or is length desired. (More)
Cast on 64 sts, divide as for Plain Socks working in either K 2, P 2 or K 1, P 1 ribbing. Then work in cable pattern as follows: 1st,2nd,3rd, and 4th ROUNDS: K 11, P 2, K 6, P 2, K 22, P 2, K 6, P 2, K 11. 5th ROUND: Cable twist. K 11, P 2, sl next 3 sts on dpn and hold in front of work, K next 3 sts. (More)
Work same as single cable sock but work pattern as follows: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ROUNDS: K 7, P 2, K 6, P 2, K 6, P 2, K 1 4, P 2, K 6, P 2, K 6, P 2, K 7. 5th ROUND: Cable twist. K 7, * P 2, sl 3 sts on dpn and hold in front of work, K next 3 sts, then K 3 sts from dpn, repeat from * once, P 2, K 14, P 2, cable twist, P 2, cable twist, P 2, K 7. (More)
With No. 1 needles cast on 56 sts. Divide sts on 3 needles, 20 sts on 1 st 2 needles; 16 sts on 3rd needle, join. Place a marker at beg of each round. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 3 inches. Change to No. 2 needles and work in stockinette st (K each round) for 8 rounds. (More)
With No. 1 needles cast on 56 sts and work ribbing same as Plain Mittens or in K 2, P 2 ribbing as illustrated. Change to No. 2 needles and work 8 rounds in pattern as follows: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ROUNDS: 1st needle: K across; 2nd needle: K 5, P 2, K 6, P 2, K 5; 3rd needle: K across. 5th ROUND: Cable twist. 1st needle: K across. (More)
With No. 1 needles cast on 56 sts and work ribbing same as Plain Mittens or in K 2, P 2 ribbing as illustrated. Change to No. 2 needles and work 8 rounds in pattern as follows: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ROUNDS: K 7, P 2, * K 6, P 2, repeat from * once, K to end of round. (More)
LEFT GLOVE: Cast on 56 sts on No. 1 needles, divide sts on 3 needles (18, 20, 18). Work same as Plain Mittens to within cast on sts over thumb. Work even for 2¼ inches. There are 56 sts on needle. 1st FINGER: K 16, place 2 sts from 1st needle and sts of 2nd and 3rd needles on a thread. Cast on 3 sts. Divide 19 sts on 3 needles and work for 2⅝ inches or ½ inch less than desired length. (More)
With Red cast on 62 sts on 1 needle. Working back and forth work 2 inches in K 2, P 2 ribbing inc 1 st in last row of ribbing. Work in pattern as follows: 1st ROW: * With Red K 3, drop Red, with White K 3, drop White, repeat from * across row ending with Red K 3. When changing color always carry dropped yarn on wrong side. (More)
Cast on 85 sts and K 2 rows. PATTERN: 1st ROW: K 5, * P 3, K 3, repeat from * across row ending with K 5. 2nd ROW: K 2, P 3, * K 3, P 3, repeat from * across row ending with K 2. 3rd and 4th ROWS: Repeat 1st and 2nd rows. 5th ROW: K 2, P 3, * K 3, P 3, repeat from * across row ending with K 2. 6th ROW: K 5, * P 3, K 3, repeat from * across row ending with K 5. (More)
With No. 1 needles cast on 64 sts. Divide sts on 3 needles, 20 sts on 1st and 2nd needle, 24 sts on 3rd needle, join. Place a marker at beg of each round. Work in K 2, P 2 ribbing for 3 inches. Change to No. 2 needles, K 1 st round inc 1 st on each of 1 st and 2nd needles. (More)
Cast on 66 sts, divide sts on 3 needles (21 sts on 1 st needle, 24 sts on 2nd needle, 21 sts on 3rd needle), join. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 2 inches. Then work in pattern as follows: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ROUNDS: * K 3, P 3, repeat from * all around. (More)
With White cast on 48 sts. Divide sts on 3 needles. START CUFF. 1st ROUND: * P 1, K 3, repeat from * all around. 2nd ROUND: * With Watermelon K 1, drop Watermelon, with White K 3, drop White, repeat from * all around. (More)
CUFF: With White cast on 48 sts, work same as Sport Set Socks but reversing colors for popcorn sts and ending cuff with 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th rounds. NEXT ROUND: K all around dec 12 sts evenly spaced (36 sts on needles). (More)
1st ROW: With White cast on 87 sts, K 1, *P 1, K 3, repeat from * across row ending with P 1, K 1. 2nd ROW: With White P 1, with Watermelon P 1, with White P 3, repeat from * across row ending with Watermelon P 1, with White P 1. 3rd ROW: With White K 1, with Watermelon popcorn st in next st, * with White K 3, with Watermelon popcorn st in next st, repeat from * across row ending with K 1. 4th ROW: With White P across row. (More)
Wind 3 bobbins of ▢ Main color (Navy), 1 bobbin ▧ (Med. Blue), 1 bobbin ▩ (Amber or Canary), 1 bobbin ▣ White and 1 bobbin ■ (Scarlet or Red).
With main color cast on 64 sts loosely, work in ribbing of K 2, P 2 for 2 inches decreasing 4 sts on last row of ribbing (60 sts). Work in stockinette st of (K 1 row, P 1 row) and follow chart for pattern. (More)
Wind 2 bobbins of each color — Main Color ▢; Diamond No. 1 ▧; Diamond No. 2 ▩; Crossline No. 1 ■; Crossline No. 2 ▣.
With Main Color cast on 64 sts loosely, work in ribbing of K 2, P 2 for 2 inches decreasing 2 sts on last row of ribbing (62 sts), cut yarn. Work in stockinette st (K 1 row, P 1 row) and follow chart for pattern. (More)
Directions are given for small size (4-7). Changes for medium (7-10) and large (10-14) are given in parentheses. Cast on 26 (28, 30) sts. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 1½ (1¾, 1¾) inches increasing 1 st in last row of ribbing. Work in stockinette st (K 1 row, P 1 row) for 4 (4, 6) rows. NEXT ROW: Start Thumb Gusset: K 13 (14, 15), inc 1 st (to inc: pick up yarn between sts), K 1, inc 1 st, K to end of row. (More)
Cast on 62 sts. Work 2 inches in K 1, P 1 ribbing, then work 6 inches in stockinette st (K 1 row, P 1 row) ending with a P row.
SHAPE HEEL: K 16 (1st half of heel), place remaining sts on st holder. Starting with a P row work in stockinette st for 2½ inches ending with a P row, then turn heel as follows: K 1, sl 1, K 1, p.s.s.o., K 1, turn; sl 1, P 2, turn; K 2, sl 1, K 1, p.s.s.o., K 1, turn; sl 1, P 3, turn. (More)
Cast on 63 sts, and work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 1 inch. 1st PATTERN ROW: K 3, P 3, repeat from beg across row ending with K 3. 2nd PATTERN ROW: P 3, K 3, repeat from beg across row ending with P 3. 3rd and 4th PATTERN ROWS: Repeat 1st and 2nd pattern rows. 5th PATTERN ROW: K 3, P 3 tog, repeat from beg across row ending with K 3. 6th PATTERN ROW: P 3, in next st K 1, P 1, K 1 (3 sts worked in 1 st), repeat from beg across row ending with P 3. (More)
Cast on 58 sts and work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 2 inches dec 1 st in last row of ribbing. Work in pattern same as socks on this page for 13 rows, then start thumb gusset as follows: work in pattern across 27 sts, P and inc in next st, P 2, P and inc in next st, work in pattern across remaining 26 sts. NEXT ROW: Work even in pattern (K thumb sts). NEXT ROW: Work in pattern across 27 sts, inc in next st, P 4, inc in next st, work in pattern across next 26 sts. (More)
SQUARE MOTIF: (make 2) With National Blue ch 4, 11 d c in 4th st from hook, join in 3rd st of ch.
2nd ROUND: Ch 3, 4 d c in same space, 1 d c in each of the next 2 d c, * 5 d c in next d c, 1 d c in each of the next 2 d c, repeat from * all around. 3rd ROUND: Ch 3, d c in next d c, * 5 d c in next d c, 1 d c in each of the next 6 d c, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join, cut yarn. SHAPED MOTIF: (Make 2) Work 1st and 2nd rounds same as motif. 3rd ROUND: Ch 3, 1 d c in each of the next 8 d c, 5 d c in next d c, 1 d c in each of the next 6 d c, 5 d c in next d c, 1 d c in each remaining d c, join, cut yarn. (More)
NEXT ROW: Working in pattern inc 1 pattern in the 5th and 6th (6th and 7th; 7th and 8th) st. NEXT ROW: Work even for all sizes. NEXT ROW: Inc 1 pattern in the 5th (6th, 7th) st from each end. NEXT ROW: Work 1 s c with ch 1 between in the 1st 5 (6, 7) s c, skip 4 s c (all sizes), work 1 s c with ch 1 between in the last 5 (6, 7) sc. Work 5 (8, 9) rows even in pattern. (More)
Ch 28 (30, 32), s c in 2nd st from hook, * ch 1, skip 1st st of ch, s c in next st of ch, repeat from * across row, ch 1 to turn all rows. 2nd ROW: 1 s c in s C, * ch 1, s c in next sc, repeat from * across row. NEXT 3 ROWS: Repeat 2nd row. 6th ROW: Work in pattern (ch 1, s c in s c) across row inc in, 7th (7th, 8th) and 8th (8th, 9th) st (to inc: s c, ch 1, s c in same st). 7th and 8th ROWS: Work even. 9th ROW: Inc in 7th 17th, 8th) and 10th (10th, 11th) sts. (More)