Insertion—no. 851
Materials: J. & P. Coats Tatting Cotton, size 70, White and color 37 Dark Lavender. 2 shuttles.
Wind one shuttle with White and one with Dark Lavender, and tie thread ends. With White, r, 4 d s, 5 p's separated by 2 d s, 4 d s, close. Turn. With Dark Lavender make ch of 4 d s. With White make ring same as 1st. Make another ch of 4 d s with Dark Lavender. Turn. With White make a ring, joining to last p of 1st ring, after the 4 d s. Continue in this way, joining rings on each edge to adjacent rings, with the ch between. When insertion is desired length finish each edge as follows: With Dark Lavender, r, 10 d s, close. Draw shuttle thread through 2nd p of 1st ring made (as done in joining). * R, 10 d s, close, join to 3rd p of same ring. R, 10 d s, close, join to 4th p of same ring and 2nd p of next ring, and repeat from * along. Work opposite side of edging same way as this.
Insertion—no. 852
Materials: J. & P. Coats Tatting Cotton, size 70, White and color 46 Rose. 1 shuttle.
Wind the shuttle with White. The first row of rings and chains is made for desired length, and the 2nd row is joined as shown in the illustration. Tie thread ends of the shuttle and ball of Rose. R, 3 d s, 5 p's separated by 2 d s, 3 d s, close. Turn. With ball thread make ch of 4 d s, p, 2 d s, p, 4 d s, turn. * R, 2 d s, join to last p of preceding ring, 1 d s, p, 1 d s, p, 2 d s, close. Turn and with ball thread make ch as before. Turn, r, 3 d s, join to last p of small ring, 2 d s, 4 p's separated by 2 d s, 3 d s, close. Repeat from * for desired length and cut thread. Make rings same as before, and when making chs make 4 d s, join to 1st p of 1st ch, 2 d s, join to 2nd p of same ch, 4 d s, turn, and continue as before.
Luncheon Set Pattern
Tatting Edging Patterns #832-#841
Tatting Edging Patterns #845-#848
Handkerchief Edging Patterns #816-#818
Handkerchief Edging Patterns #822-#823, #826-#827, #895
Pine Cone Doily Pattern
Scalloped Doily Pattern
Lacy Medallion Antimacassar Pattern
Medallion Baby Cap Pattern
Luncheon Set in Filet Pattern
Tatted Doily Pattern
Insertion Patterns #851-#852
Medallion Patterns #829-#830
Spiders Web Doily Pattern
Tray Cloth Pattern