Bird Cage Cover Pattern #S-967

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Bird Cage Cover Pattern #S-967

GENERAL INFORMATION: Use 6 strands of Embroidery Floss.
   Most huck toweling has single loops on one side and double loops on the other; each set of directions states on which side design is to be worked. Cut thread into 30-inch lengths. When beginning weaving, leave 3 inches of thread free. When weaving is completed, weave back through design for 1 inch, or equivalent. Finish off 3-inch length in same manner. When starting new thread in center of row, begin weaving 1 inch before end of previous thread. When article has been completed, press well on wrong side.

COATS & CLARK'S O.N.T. SIX STRAND EMBROIDERY FLOSS, Art. C.11, 3 skeins each of No. 201 Aquatone and No. 59-C Jewel Rose and 1 skein each of No. 51-C Gold Brown, No. 71 Pewter Grey and No. 12 Black.
Milwards Tapestry Needle No. 19.
1 yard of Startex Swede Weave Colored Huck, 36 inches wide ... 2 packages bias tape.

PATTERN AND CUTTING … Following chart, make a paper pattern for Back and Front. Now, using double loop side of toweling as right side and having the loops in vertical position, study cutting chart showing measurements for cutting, and mark fabric accordingly. Note: There is a ¼-inch seam allowance on Front edge and ⅝-inch seam allowance on all other edges. Cut out the 4 pieces.

EMBROIDERY … Starting ¾ inch up from lower edge and being careful to match loops on each piece, embroider border on Back, Fronts and narrow edges of Side. With Jewel Rose, following diagram, complete lettering and musical notes on fronts, having lettering 1 inch in from front edges. With Pewter Grey, complete lower half of birds between the large circles (indicated by arrows on chart). With Aquatone, outline upper part of birds, then fill in tail and wings. With Gold Brown, complete branches. With Black, complete feet and make French knots for eyes.

SEWING … With wrong sides together, sew back to Side. Make a slash in center of Side as shown, then sew Fronts to Side. Trim away seam allowance to measure ¼ inch. Bind the Back and Front seams with bias tape, then bind entire outer edge, including slash line, leaving 10 inches free at each front edge for ties. Stitch along edges of each tie.

Bird Cage Cover Pattern #S-967 chart 1
Bird Cage Cover Pattern #S-967 chart 2
Bird Cage Cover Pattern #S-967 chart 3