Embroidered Pot Holder Pattern #4-91

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Embroidered Pot Holder Pattern #4-91

ROYAL SOCIETY "EVERSHEEN", 400-yard ball: 1 ball of White or Ecru.
Royal Mouliné, 1 skein each of Red and Blue.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.
Approximately 7 x 7½ inches.

Ch 73 to measure 8 inches. 1st row: Dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in each ch across. Ch 3, turn. 2nd row: Dc in each dc, dc in 3rd st of turning chain. Ch 3, turn. Repeat 2nd row until piece measures 7 inches. Break off.

   Following illustration and using full strands of Mouliné, work either design in center of piece, using 3 dc and 1 row for each cross stitch. Make another crocheted piece, omitting embroidery. With wrong sides facing, using Red Mouliné, work sc evenly through both thicknesses around, making 3 sc in each corner. For loop at corner, ch 12, skip 3 sc, sl st in next 2 sc. Turn and work 16 sc in ch, sl st in edge. Break off.